The Road to JAMKO: Lauri

Text: Lauri Kujala, member of the Board 2022, mentoring
I got an email from Eeva Vissel that I should go to listen to the board info of JAMKO’s board. I sat there and listened and thought to myself, that this might not be a thing for me. I was scared to represent all of the students of JAMK when I had experience to present only the social and healthcare students.
The thought of being part of JAMKO’s board started to feel interesting and I got curious. That is when I asked Eeva Vissel to tell me more about the board member’s role. She told me how much time it could take and I should consider being board member only on one board. I clearly stated that I will continue my work in Jasto’s board even though I would be selected to the board of JAMKO. She told me that it is doable and I started to consider applying to the board.
I searched the Valjakka auditorium from Rajakatu campus, it was a little bit hard, because my studies are mainly located in Dynamo campus. I was nervous. I went to the first meeting of the representative council and thought in my head that I just go to see what’s happening there.
I watched what happens in the meeting of council of representatives. I could not suggest anything or vote, because I was not a member of the council. When they started to ask members for the board, Eeva asked some member of the council to nominate me for the board. That member of the council was Albert, one of our event responsibles.
Then I told I am available for being member of the board. After that I told the council what position I was applying for, for me it was mentoring, and told that this position is the only one I am available. I got elected and in the board’s organization meeting I was chosen to mentoring responsible.
This year was exciting, rough, full of work and new people. I have learned a lot: how to behave in meetings to structures of JAMK’s wellbeing staff. Sometimes I was stressed like a little shrew, but I would not change anything. The decision to apply to the board of JAMKO was one of the best decisions I have made in the time I have studied.
The recruitment of the new board is on. Read more and apply.