Feedback and answers about JAMKO’s communication

During Grumble Weeks, we asked how have succeeded in our communication and how we could develop our practices, the content and our external communication.

Students were mainly satisfied with JAMKO’s communication, but there is always room for improvement which rose up from the feedback. This year students gave a lot feedback of Weekly Overview, both positive and negative. Students see JAMKO’s variety of social media channels as a good thing, but variety to the content is needed. As during the previous years, JAMKO’s communication outside the social media network is praised. In general JAMKO’s communication channels should be more advertised. We will continue to better ourselves in this aspect.


Trusteeship Letter Ajankohtainen JAMKOnen still raises questions, but the general knowledge about it has increased.

Ajankohtainen JAMKOnen is the trusteeship newsletter which introduces what is going on in  trusteeship sector and brings trusteeship work closer to students. The main target group is student actives such as study field associations, JAMKO’s representative’s and student members of JAMK’s internal working groups. The newsletter acts as support for the influencing and their work in general as student actives. The newsletter is published in Finnish and in English as is every publication JAMKO makes. Student actives receive the letter to their email once a month, and it is published on JAMKO’s website and linked to Facebook, so that everyone has the possibility to be informed about the current issues regarding trusteeship nationally and regionally. Our work is clearly still in progress, so we will keep your feedback in mind. If you want to receive current news about the subject to your email, please inform us via email

You can read the previous Trusteeship letters here.


JAMKO’s Weekly Overview gathers annually huge amount of feedback, but it is divided even handedly to positive and negative attention.        

Some of the students do not want to receive weekly letters, but the other half is really pleased that the information reaches without especially seeking for it. The visual appearance of the letter is a hot topic and it is widely criticized, and more colourful, interesting and clear presentation is wished.

The Weekly Overview is sent to 10 000 students and members of the students community via JAMK UAS email.  In this perspective, the only way to secure a smooth delivery to everyone, is that the form is kept as simple and “light” as possible.  This way the opening is uncomplicated, no attachments need to be opened, the content is easy to glance through and the reading doesn’t depend on the devices.  We would be more than willing to think about the format again if we would come across something as effective.

The Overview contains JAMKO’s own events and actions, but also other important matters like study related deadlines, current issues and interesting events. All the content is not worthwhile to each and every one of you, but the table of contents is easily glanced through, so you can choose the most interesting parts. By sending the Weekly Overview, we serve also those students who do not use the social media. Hence everyone uses school’s email to converse about studies and such school related things, it is a natural way to convey the important issues. More about the Weekly Overview here


The versatility of the social media channels is praised, but the contents need a little pick-me-up

In general JAMKO’s usage of social media channels is on the fair side, but also there is room for improvement. Many of the students wish that JAMKO would take over Snapchat, but other ponder if we a have enough high quality content. We have thought about Snapchat, but taking over a new social media channel is always an investment to recourses and content, and might mean the evaluation of other channels’ usage. The implementation must be done systematically, especially when JAMKO has several channels to begin with. We do not want the scenario that we take on one channel with great enthusiasm , and then forget about it when the “honeymoon period” ends. Stay tuned.

The production of content is always a bit of a challenge. JAMKO’s actives produce material to the channels beside their own work, and sometimes content may escape our attention during the everyday work. Although the everyday work should be made visible also. We could also need a few pointers? What kind of content would you find the most useful for you? Feedback and ideas can be sent for example via Facebook or our feedback channel.


Why does JAMKO make political statements not directly related to students or student life?

Politics is taking care of issues together. JAMKO’s task as a student union is to protect our students’ rights and advocate for them. Most of our trusteeship work happens inside JAMK, but we also work outside of school among many current societal issues. JAMKO’s task is to equally represent all of it’s member and take a stand on issues that can be linked to students as citizens and members of society such as equality and safety. Independency for JAMKO foremost means that JAMKO won’t stand behind any political ideologies, such as political parties, but advocating for universal moral and ethical values is something we are all responsible for. JAMKO’s board has JAMKO’s student representative’s mandate to represent all students in JAMK, but JAMKO’s student representative is the one to say the last word on what JAMKO’s opinions on different matters are. If you want to make a difference to these statements, everyone is welcome to JAMKO’s student representative’s meetings, to vote or be a candidate in the student representative elections.

According to the feedback this year, we will continue to make our communication channels more visible, content more versatile and marketing more visible on campuses. Feedback is welcome all year round via JAMKO’s feedback channel, email or social media channels.

Let’s grumble again in Spring 2017

More information:

Anna Tarvainen-Illi
Communications and Trusteeship secretary
045 2078110

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