social policy

JAMKO encourages JAMK to develop students well-being

JAMKO did before christmas holidays a petition to JAMK encouraging it to develop the status of coordination and decreasing the felt inequality towards local university students, who have wider university sports services and well-being courses at thei...

Healthy work environment is everybody’s business

When the end of my summer holiday crept upon me, I thought that I would be more annoyed with the early mornings, lost freetime and the weight of the responsibility of the working life brings. The truth. I wasn’t. (ok, I give you the early wake-ups pa...

New recources to JAMKO’s trusteeship

Some of JAMKO's Board and staff members attended ESOK-trainings held at Jyväskylä University and the University of Applied Sciences in the end of January. Subjects in the trainings focused around learning difficulties, challenges in writing and readi...