Surviving the digital jungle with Tuudo

Last Grumble weeks students gave quite a lot of sharp feedback about the magnitude of JAMK UAS’ digital systems. We have Elmo, Optima, Asio, different work spaces, email, social media groups, not mentioning the different systems in different study fields …no wonder you get a bit dizzy.

Students criticized the mobile inflexibility of the systems and information was thought as scattered and hard to find. Also different procedures in communicating gave students a hard time and some kind of consistency was demanded. Students wished for a single platform, where all information, systems and services would be in one place or at least accessible with one signing in or one set of student credentials.  

The world is not yet perfect, but I was pleased to see that the staff of JAMK UAS ICT services was eager to investigate the possibilities to ease students everyday life in the digital jungle. Also JAMKO was a part of the process and the result was Tuudo, a mobile application that was launched to all students in January. But what on earth should you do with it?

As a relief I can tell you right in the beginning that Tuudo is not a separate system or a mean of communication that you must handle. All the separate pieces of information, like lunch menus, schedules and study records are in the same place they used to be, but Tuudo gathers them all in one mobile application.

Via Tuudo you will access
  • Study attainments
  • Course search, course schedules and notifications on changes (those made by a teacher in the space reservation system)
  • Menus from each campus
  • Campus maps and search feature for facilities
  • News of current interest from the Elmo intranet and JAMKO
  • Job and practical training place announcements (those that have been publicly announced)
  • Links to services

JAMKO gym might be quite hard to find for the first time. It is so great that in Tuudo you can search for it and it shows your own location too. (Click to enlarge)

In Tuudo I enjoy that I can browse all the current news in JAMK intranet and JAMKO website in one place and a single glance quickly and efficiently. However the best tool for me is the campus maps and especially the search feature. With these features I would most certainly be victorious in the biggest Finnish orienteering race Jukolan viesti. 😉

Tuudo speaks Finnish and English. As Tuudo gathers the information from other services, it depends on the translations of the original source. If the article is not available in English, its will not appear in English Tuudo. Tuudo is not mandatory for students and it does not replace browser-based applications. For example enrollment to courses can not be done via the app. However it simplifies students everyday life and makes it easier to plan and navigate. The app can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store and is used on JAMK’s student credentials.

Students have been using the app for a few months and feedback is crucial to develop it and to find and fix the bugs it may contain. You can send feedback via the app itself, or you can also give it via JAMKO, for example during the forthcoming Grumble Weeks. 

Best wishes,

Anna, advisor of communication and trusteeship

PS: If the various systems still boggle your mind, click yourself to student intra.  


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