Kela: Applications for financial aid will no longer be reviewed at universities starting 1 January 2018

Kela’s press release: 15.12.2017, 14:37

Decisions on financial aid for higher education students will be centralised to Kela starting 1 January 2018. University financial aid committees will cease operations, and applications for financial aid will no longer be reviewed at any Finnish university. Students need not contact Kela or their university or to take any other steps as a result of this change.

All Finnish universities currently have a financial aid committee whose responsibilities include recognising satisfactory academic progress and granting extensions for financial aid.

These committees will be shut down on 1 January 2018, and financial aid for higher education students will be administered by Kela. Universities will also no longer issue decisions on financial aid applications. During 2017, applications have been reviewed at eight universities.

Starting from the beginning of 2018 all matters related to student financial aid will be handled at Kela. The aim is to concentrate the whole handling of matters related to student financial aid to Kela, since making benefit decisions also elsewhere makes the process more complicated. The changes are aimed at ensuring the uniform and efficient administration of financial aid.

Students, please note the following

  • Any financial aid granted to you will continue to be paid in accordance with your financial aid decision even when the organisation processing applications for student financial aid changes.
  • You should contact Kela in all matters related to student financial aid.

How to contact Kela in matters related to student financial aid

Visit Kela’s online service at (Finnish) or (Swedish) to take care of nearly all of your financial aid related matters. On Kela’s website at can find extensive information about student financial aid and other benefits for students.

You can also handle your personal benefit matters

You can also use Kela’s channels in social media

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