When studying in Finland students are required to bear the costs for their own living. Living costs in Finland are close to Western European average. The costs of student life consist mainly of accommodation, food, public transport, study materials, clothing, and leisure activities. Average monthly living costs for students are estimated to be about 750 – 1200 euros, depending on the housing, habits, and needs of an individual. International students must make sure that their incomes cover basic living costs for the entire time spent studying in Finland and that they have valid health insurance with adequate coverage. Additional information.
- housing (student accommodation) 270-500 euros + initial expenses, such as the housing deposit.
- food 300 euros
- bus tickets about 60 euros
- leisure and other expenses 100-150 euros
- Tuition fees for students outside EU or EEA countries studying in a degree programme: 8000€ (bachelor) 9000€ (master). JAMK UAS has set the tuition fee to 8,000 €/academic year for bachelor’s degrees and 9,000 €/academic year for master’s degrees. Read more.