The representatives to the term 2019 chosen

Largest amount of positions to business students


The highest authority of Student Union JAMKO has been chosen in Representatives’ election 2018. Voting turnout of this year’s election was 20 percent. 3990 students were entitled to vote from which 795 students voted. The voting turnout last year was 19 percent.

21 actual members were chosen for the term of 2019. The number of seats of each alliance is listed below. The voter turnout that the alliance gained from the whole turnout percentage is presented in brackets.

Jyväskylän tradenomiopiskelijat Konkurssi 8 (31%)
Insinööriopiskelijat IO 4 (19%)
MatkaRaTa 3 (14%)
Legendat 2 (10%)
Very International People VIP 2 (8%)
Jyväskylän sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijat ry Jasto 1 (7%)
Jyväskylän keskustaopiskelijat JOK 1 (4%)

Two of four non-aligned candidates got position as vice members. The alliance Oikeat opiskelijat (National coalition students) did not receive enough votes to get positions in JAMKO’s representatives. The vote-pullers, candidates who collected the most of the votes were Jasto’s Julia Enlund (40 votes) and Konkurssi’s Jarkko Patteri (35 votes).

Compared to this years’ term, Konkurssi doubled their seats and Insinööriopiskelijat lost four seats. Matkarata received one seat more than last term and Jasto loses three seats. Legendat and JOK maintain their amount of representatives and VIP rises to the Representatives council as a completely new alliance.

In the elections were 49 candidates and there were 8 electoral alliances and 4 non – aligned candidates. The electronic voting carried out during Oct 29th and Nov 7th. The newly elected representatives’ council organizes on 19th of November. The combination of the Representatives might change if some of the Representatives are selected to JAMKO’s Board. New representatives begin their term 1st of January 2019.

See the official results of the election here
(green base: elected, white base: vice members, red base: not elected)

In the year 2018 JAMKO arranged a possibility to stand as a candidate with an electronic form. This year majority of other Finnish Student Union’s have the same election date Nov 11th to standardize the representatives work in student unions and gather more attention nationwide.

More information:
Chairperson of JAMKO’s representatives and central election committee 2018
Ms. Anni Lajunen
p. 040 746 5905, e-mail

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