Safe and equal study environment

A safe, equal study environment is everyone’s right and everyone in the institute has a role to promote well-being in the academic community. Nobody should be discriminated by their language, nationality, sexuality, disability or study difficulties. The law of equality obligates education organizers to improve disabled person possibilities to study. University of applied sciences has to to take account of different special needs and take care of free entrance to classes, library etc. Any disadvantages should be intervened. Also actions towards prevention of bullying, discrimination and harassment are noticed.

Accessibility and Barrier-free education

Barrier-free education aims at equality and the accessibility of services from selection process to studying and in support services and guidance. JAMK UAS has possibilities to ensure the quality of education and equal studying in spite of the possible disabilities, learning difficulties, linguistic or cultural background the students may have. More information on Barrier-free-learning

Read more about accessibility in Exchange programmes

More information about equality and how it is implemented in JAMK UAS:  contact:

Academic integrity in Finland

Student’s ethical guide was made to clarify JAMK´s academic standards and it familiarizes new students to a Finnish academic institute. The guide goes through Finnish culture and four categories of challenge areas to academic integrity: cheating, plagiarism and academic writing, classroom and campus behaviors and group-work conflicts.

 Read the guide.

Rules and legislation supporting equality

To ensure that JAMK UAS has the Degree Regulation,  JAMK’s Ethical Principles and The University of Applied Sciences Law (Finnish) to regulate the conduct of students and staff. This is supported by JAMK UAS’ security policy (id required) and ethical and pedagogical principles. Read more. 

JAMK UAS and Student Union JAMKO have also drawn up a programme to progress equality in JAMK UAS. Read the programme. 

If you need assistance with any matter, please contact

Legislation on unsuitability issues

Unsuitability legislation is set to improve safety in academic education and working life, and to find solutions for cases where unsuitability is suspected, e.g. during admittance or during studies.  The legislation protects the students rights in problem situations. At JAMK, some parts concern the students in social and health care field and vocational teacher education, while others – drug testing and disciplinary procedures – apply to all students. Violent or threatening behaviour may lead to disciplinary action in all fields of study. Read more about unsuitability matters and safe study environment. 

Harassment contact person

Harassment contact person is a person appointed by the student union to support students in matters where harassment is suspected. Harassment means unwelcome physical or verbal actions based on e.g. age, sex, sexual orientation, nationality or disability. Harassment can be, for example, discrimination, unequal treatment, when it comes to evaluation, singling out, threatening, or any verbal or physical behaviour which the object considers abusive. The first step is the students contact and all latter operations will be approved by the student.  Harassment contact person can act as a mediator and can help to resolve the matter. The person can act as an advisor to a student, tutor or study field association that has encountered harassment, unequal actions or discrimination, but has not been a target. You can reach the harassment contact person by email, hairinta(a)

More info on harassment contact person and the work.