Results of the by-elections are in
The Student Union JAMKO held by-elections from 22.1. to 30.1. to elect new members to the Representatives Council for the term 2025. The November elections left the Council short of members, as some members were elected to the Board. Elections were held for three full members and 21 alternates. Thirteen eligible candidates stood for election. There were seven candidates on the electoral alliance lists and six independent candidates. There were 2,908 members entitled to vote and a total of 181 JAMKO members voted in the election. The turnout was therefore 6.22%.
The following were elected as full members
Kalle Vaimare, tieto- ja viestintätekniikka, JIO
Enni Pitkänen, Logistiikka, JIO
Maria Hietanen, Musiikkipedagogi, Independent
The top vote-getter in the by-elections was Maria Hietanen, a non-attached music pedegogy student, who received the highest number of individual votes, 29 in total. However, as JAMKO elections are proportional, Kalle Vaimare, a candidate from Jyväskylä engineering students JIO, came top in the comparative figures. He received 19 votes, but the highest ratio was 64.
See the official election result here
More information:
Central Election Committee Chairperson Ronja Honkala,
Cental Election Committee,