Statement: University ownership, a threat and an opportunity – Students must not be forgotten

The City of Jyväskylä and the University of Jyväskylä are working together to investigate a possible change in the ownership base of Jamk University of Applied Sciences as part of the formation of the higher education group. Decisions on starting the study will be made in February, and the aim is to resolve possible ownership arrangements by the end of June 2025.

The student union JAMKO follows the ownership change process with great interest and mixed feelings. From the perspective of the student union, it is important that Jamk’s special strengths are identified and acknowledged in the process: agile and high-quality working life-oriented education and research, internationality and the importance of the school as a link between students and local business life.

The student union is concerned about the risks related to the change: A recent UAS autonomy study produced by the education trade union OAJ has found that university ownership of universities of applied sciences involves challenges related to the quality of education and owner interests, among other things: is the owner’s motive the development of the university of applied sciences or the erosion of a competitor? Is the voice of the students and staff of the University of Applied Sciences heard equally in the Group? It is important to be aware of these problems.

Students and the student union play a key role in building the higher education institution of the future. We expect to be involved in preserving and developing the identity of our unique higher education institution, higher education community and university of applied sciences students during and after the process.

Student Union on behalf of JAMKO

Chairperson of the Board, Otso Miettunen

Vice Chairperson of the Board Janna Komonen

Chair of the Representative Council Annu Suvilehto

Vice Chairperson of the Representative Council Eetu Ruotsalainen

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