Use your voice in JAMKO By-elections

Voting for the by-election of the JAMKO’s Council will start on Wednesday 22 January at 12.00.  By voting, every JAMKO member can influence who decides on student affairs in JAMKO. Voting will continue until 30 January at 12.00. Voting will be done via an email link sent to each JAMKO member in the email they have given to JAMKO when joining.

By voting you can influence issues that are important to all students. For example, a member of the Council of Representatives decides on the amount of the JAMKO membership fee and the Board’s action plan for the following year, and they also influence many issues related to the everyday life of students in JAMK’s working groups.

Get to know the candidates
On JAMKO’s website
Voting aid app
In Election panel on 22nd of Jan from 3 p.m. –  p.m. in instagram or live at D-Lounge of Main Campus

More info: keskusvaalilautakunta(a)

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