JAMKO’s representatives to the term of 2018 chosen
The highest authority of Student Union JAMKO has been chosen in Representatives’ election. Voting turnout of this years election was 19 percent. 3944 students were entitled to vote, from which 746 students used their vote. The voting turnout last year was 23 percent, but the amount of eligible voters was approximately a hundred less.

Mirva Jokilehto is a second year business administration student that got the most votes in this years elections.
21 actual members were chosen for the term of 2018. Insinööriopiskelijat (engineering students) grabbed 8 seats, which is the largest amount of seats in the representatives. The second highest number of seats received Konkurssi (business students) and Social and Health Care Students JASTO with 4 seats each. MatkaRaTa representing tourism and service management students and the coalition of Legendat got both two places. Keskustaopiskelijat (Centre Party students) coalition got one seat in JAMKO’s representatives. Coalition of Oikeat opiskelijat (National coalition students) did not receive seats. The vote-puller, candidate who collected the most of the votes was Konkurssi’s Mirva Jokilehto (44 votes).
First 21 persons have been chosen to the Representatives council (green base) and the rest are vice members of the representatives (white base). Candidates on the on the red base were not chosen.
Compared to last years results engineering students got two seats more, and business students lost three seats. Social and health care students increased their seats with two seats, while MatkaRaTa lost two. The coalitions of Legendat and Keskustaopiskelijat did not have any representatives during this term.
In the elections were 51 candidates and 7 electoral alliances were formed. he electronic voting carried out during Oct 30th and Nov 9th. The newly elected representatives’ council organizes on 22nd of November. The combination of the Representatives might change if some of the Representatives are selected to JAMKO’s Board. New representatives begin their term 1st of January 2018.
Student union JAMKO is the advocate of JAMK UAS students and the operation is based on activity is based on the University of Applied Sciences Law. The council of representatives is the highest authority in the Student Union and supervises the interests of JAMK students by making the most important decisions and definitions of policy regarding the student union. The members are chosen also to the working groups of JAMK UAS and KOAS delegation.
More information:
Chair person of JAMKO Representatives and Central Election committee
Roni Sorsa
p. 050 9131924, epj@jamko.fi