Tuesday Club

Why can’t every day be Tuesday? Tuesday Club is a fun, easy-going event that is easy to attend. It is arranged once in each month and it’s all about hanging out in a good group while doing something fun. You are welcome to Tuesday Club whether you’re with friends or alone. Tuesday clubs are intoxicant free.

TUEASDAY CLUB GOES JUMP PARK 11th of April from 5 pm to 7 pm

Let your inner child out and join JAMKO to Jump Park’s indoor sports world! 20 fastest student to buy the ticket gets to go! The price is very low: for JAMKO’s members 4,50 € and other students 8,50€. First hour is guided activities and the other hour is free, so you can try out your skills! (Normal price for 2 hours is 18€/person)

Also you get Sports –stamp to your Freshmanpass from this event, so remember to take your pass with you. Tickets are on sale till 9th of April.

Buy tickets 

if you buy a member ticket prepare to attest your membership in Jump Park, so take your valid student card with you.


Jump Park is located in Seppälänkangas. Adress Yritystie 5. It’s about six kilometers from Jyväskylä’s centre. You can also come by car (free parking area) or by buss. Check the bus schedule from here.

More info: vapaa-aika(a)jamko.fi or ic(a)jamko.fi

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When? Tuesday

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