Support and information from Trusteeship team

Trusteeship team is an open forum which offers students’ and study field assiciations a possibility to discuss about trusteeship issues, current student matters in own study field, in JAMK UAS, in Jyväskylä and in Finland.  Trusteeship teams are open and meant for everyone who is interested in trusteeship work, you do not have to be a student active responsible for trusteeship to participate. Team offers tools for tutoring, the latest news on education and student life, and clarifies the toughest topics. Trusteeship team come together three times in a semester and the main point is in conversation about current topics, this spring the team will tackle the changes in housing allowance and student financial aid.

The first team will discuss about the trusteeship work of study field associations and JAMKO, and municipal elections. The team is organized mainly in Finnish, but will be partly translated if necessary. Team leaders are JAMKO‘s Board Members, Aleksi Huttunen (educational policy) and Mari Pynssi (social policy). Next meeting is on Wed Feb 8th from 5pm to 7pm at the Main Campus, JAMKO Café. More info on Trusteeship. 

More information:
Aleksi Huttunen
Member of The Board, Educational Policy

Mari Pynssi
Member of The Board, Social Policy

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