Candidate filing period of the Representatives’ elections ended

The candidate filing period of JAMKO’s Representatives elections has ended. The election committee confirmed 8 coalitions. 36 candidates stood as candidates, from which 2 as non – aligned. The final formation of the lists will be published on week 40, after the verification of the candidates.

“The amount of the candidates is disappointing and tells something about the recognition of the Representative’s work. This matter should be addressed during the next term, “ says the chairperson of the central election committee Teemu Oja-Lipasti. 

The electoral alliances according to the confirmed order
  1. Jyväskylän tradenomiopiskelijat – Konkurssi 
  2. Sitoutumattomat
  3. International Coalition IC 
  4. Opiskelevat kokoomuslaiset 
  5. MatkaRaTa 
  6. Jyväskylän sosiaali- ja terveysalan opiskelijat JASTO ry 
  7. Legendat XD 
  8. Jyväskylän keskustaopiskelijat JOK 
  9. Insinööriopiskelijat IO 

The candidates will be presented on JAMKO’s election site, social media and voting aid app, in which the candidates give their opinion to issues concerning JAMKO and students. The election materials and voting aid app are published on week 43. The candidates have also the possibility to participate into election panels on 29th of October.

21 actual members are chosen to the term 2020 by voting during Oct 28th and Nov 6th. The voting is done via an online link which is sent to JAMKO members’ school emails. The results will be published on November 6th.

More information on JAMKO’s election page

Further information: Central Election Committee keskusvaaliautakunta(a)

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