Tenant’s rights – event

Come and hear about tenants’ rights!

Have you wondered what your rights are as a tenant? What to do if you have a disagreement with your landlord, if there is something wrong with the contract or if you feel you have been treated unfairly? What if you want to make changes to your home or even rent it out on Airbnb? Join JAMKO and Soihtu for an informative event where we will discuss the key issues of rental housing and the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of tenants in a practical way.

At the event, you will learn about topics such as:

  • The responsibilities and obligations of tenants and landlords
  • Your rights in housing and tenancy disputes

You can ask questions and get practical advice about your tenancy, your responsibilities and your tenant’s rights and responsibilities in relation to your tenancy.
Time: 17.9. from 15.00 to 17.00
Location: JAMKO Café, Jamk Main Campus, F – wing

Sign up! The event is free of charge, but you must register in advance as we will be serving a snack before the event! Make sure to reserve your seat and get your free ticket on Kide.app more closer to the event.

For more information: puheenjohtaja@jamko.fi


When? Tuesday

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